«APEC PetroTechnic» - your start to a successful career. Learn, develop, and become part of the future!

A modern center for training personnel for the oil and gas industry, offering educational programs of international level.


APEC students became the best in intellectual competition

APEC students became the best in intellectual competition

{:en}The intellectual competition "BRAIN RING" was held at the N. Balgimbayev Center for development and communications, located on the basis of Atyrau University of oil and gas. In the educational competition among young people, Ares students also competed and took...

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Culture is the basis of spiritual renewal

Culture is the basis of spiritual renewal

{:en}  Students of "APEC PetroTechnic" Higher college met with a theologian of the Center for Assistance to victims of destructive religious movements "Shapagat" Atyrau region. During the meeting, the work of the foundation and a number of good deeds done so far...

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APEC students won the competition in TALGAYRAN

APEC students won the competition in TALGAYRAN

{:en}On October 8-9, in the Talgairan grove near Atyrau, the regional sports contest "Sports Orienteering and Tourism" was held among college students. AРEС PetroTechnic Higher College won the gold medal in this competition. 6 teams took part in the two-day...

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Vaccination is a way to overcome the epidemic

Vaccination is a way to overcome the epidemic

{:en} Students of the College held a meeting with the chief physician of Polyclinic No. 7 Gulnafis Tanbayeva. The meeting was held in online and offline formats. The main topic is measures to prevent the epidemic. A qualified specialist spoke about the main symptoms...

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