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Последние записи блога

Culture is the basis of spiritual renewal

Culture is the basis of spiritual renewal

{:en}  Students of "APEC PetroTechnic" Higher college met with a theologian of the Center for Assistance to victims of destructive religious movements "Shapagat" Atyrau region. During the meeting, the work of the foundation and a number of good deeds done so far...

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APEC students won the competition in TALGAYRAN

APEC students won the competition in TALGAYRAN

{:en}On October 8-9, in the Talgairan grove near Atyrau, the regional sports contest "Sports Orienteering and Tourism" was held among college students. AРEС PetroTechnic Higher College won the gold medal in this competition. 6 teams took part in the two-day...

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Vaccination is a way to overcome the epidemic

Vaccination is a way to overcome the epidemic

{:en} Students of the College held a meeting with the chief physician of Polyclinic No. 7 Gulnafis Tanbayeva. The meeting was held in online and offline formats. The main topic is measures to prevent the epidemic. A qualified specialist spoke about the main symptoms...

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