«APEC PetroTechnic» - your start to a successful career. Learn, develop, and become part of the future!

A modern center for training personnel for the oil and gas industry, offering educational programs of international level.

Power Supply

Language of studying: English
Qualification: electrical technician 0902033


About specialty:

Students studying under this program study the methods of production, conversion, transmission, distribution and consumption of electrical energy. The knowledge obtained at APEC PetroTechnic High College LLP, the graduates perfectly demonstrate at the plant when setting up, operating and repairing electrical equipment of electrical substations, power transmission lines and distribution networks.
Student’s internship:The production practice takes place in two stages: practice in the specialty profile and pre-diploma practice. As a rule, the practice takes place in power supply, electric grid and industrial enterprises, in electromechanical workshops and electrical laboratories, as well as in organizations engaged in the design of power supply devices.

Career opportunities:

Graduates of this program can find employment both in the oil and gas company and in the construction industry and not only. Extensive opportunities give the right to work in any area where the organization of maintenance, adjustment, operation, repair of electrical substation equipment and power supply networks is required. Particularly in demand this profession in the field of energy, in power plants.