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APEC students became the best in intellectual competition

by | Nov 15, 2021 | News

By admin

The intellectual competition “BRAIN RING” was held at the N. Balgimbayev Center for development and communications, located on the basis of Atyrau University of oil and gas.

In the educational competition among young people, Ares students also competed and took the third place. The first place was taken by the team of Atyrau University named after H. Dosmukhamedov, and the second place was taken by the team of the Assembly of people of Kazakhstan.

The team “Ares team” represented the College in the intellectual competition.

Gulsara Abdulova, Kip 3-20B;
Aruzhan Amandykova, Kip 3-20B;
Aigerim Islamova, Kip 3-20B;
Ainara Mazhit, Kip 3-20B;
Abylai Zholdas, Kip 4-20B.

Ainara MAZHIT, student of APEC PetroTechnic higher college:
During the competition, questions were asked in various fields. Questions about history, culture, literature, and logic are even interesting. I can’t say it was easy. I had to think a little. But we did not think that we would take the III place at all. After all, many of those who competed with us were university students. “I don’t know,” he said. But we are in the top three.

We express our gratitude to all the students who defended the honor of the College in the educational competition!