«APEC PetroTechnic» - your start to a successful career. Learn, develop, and become part of the future!

A modern center for training personnel for the oil and gas industry, offering educational programs of international level.


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Вual training of ANPZ for students of the 3rd year of THI

Вual training of ANPZ for students of the 3rd year of THI

{:kz} "АМӨЗ" ЖШС мен APEC Petrotechnic жоғары колледжінің бірлескен жобасы аясында Еуропа қайта құру және даму банкі (ЕҚДБ) қолдауымен "химиялық инжиниринг технологиясы" мамандығы бойынша 3 курс студенттерін "АМӨЗ" ЖШС базасында "Органикалық заттардың химиялық...

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APEC students became the best in intellectual competition

APEC students became the best in intellectual competition

{:en}The intellectual competition "BRAIN RING" was held at the N. Balgimbayev Center for development and communications, located on the basis of Atyrau University of oil and gas. In the educational competition among young people, Ares students also competed and took...

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