
«APEC PetroTechnic» - your start to a successful career. Learn, develop, and become part of the future!

A modern center for training personnel for the oil and gas industry, offering educational programs of international level.

OIL & gas production technology


Training period: 2 years 10 months (based on secondary (complete) general education)

3 years 10 months (based on secondary (incomplete) basic education)

Language of studying: English
Qualification: Technologist for drilling and maintenance of drilling and lifting equipment 0821013


About specialty:

Students studying in this field study geology, drilling, seismic, the structure of rocks and oil reservoirs. This specialty is related to «Drilling of oil and gas wells and drilling technology», but wider profile.

Career opportunities:

A graduate of this specialty can hold positions:
Assistant driller (1,2,3-bit) with small wells;
Assistant driller (1,2,3,4,5-bits) with deep wells.

In the practical development of the position of assistant driller at the level, can be transferred, at the discretion of the employer, to the position of driller, with an increase in drilling technology and further to the position of a drilling master.