«APEC PetroTechnic» - your start to a successful career. Learn, develop, and become part of the future!

A modern center for training personnel for the oil and gas industry, offering educational programs of international level.

Exploitation of oil and gas fields


Duration of training: 2 years 10 months (on the basis of secondary (full)general education)

3 years 10 months (on the basis of secondary (incomplete) basic education)

Language of studying: English
Qualification: Technician-technologist 4S07240902


About specialty:

The operation of oil and gas fields is the entire engineering and technological process that determines the characteristics of the fields and includes seismics, geology, a course on the technology of drilling oil and gas wells and a detailed study of the technological process of oil and gas production.

Students practice:

In the production workshop of ARES PetroTechnic Higher College LLP, the masters of industrial training will familiarize themselves with the scheme, device and principle of operation of modern equipment. From the second year, students go to field practice at the fields, where they consolidate their knowledge in practice, get acquainted in detail with the complex of equipment used in the operation and collection of oil.

Career opportunities:

Graduates can work in any company in the oil and gas sector, holding such positions as:

oil and gas production operator (by category);
well research operator;
operator of Cattle (Well Overhaul);
operator of technological installations;
remote control operator with a promotion to master