«APEC PetroTechnic» - your start to a successful career. Learn, develop, and become part of the future!

A modern center for training personnel for the oil and gas industry, offering educational programs of international level.

Oil and Gas Wells Drilling Technology


Duration of training: 2 years 10 months (on the basis of secondary (full)general education)

3 years 10 months (on the basis of secondary (incomplete) basic education)

Language of studying: English
Qualification: Technician-technologist 4S07240702


About specialty:

This profile includes the study of the technology of drilling oil and gas wells and the drilling equipment used in this process, the preparation, cleaning and chemical treatment of drilling fluids, fixing and cementing wells, the technology of opening and testing productive formations, technical and economic indicators and documentation in drilling. The driller has extensive knowledge in the search, exploration, production and operation of oil and gas wells and participates in geological exploration operations.

Student practice:

During the educational process, the student goes through the following types of practices:

by introduction to the specialty;
on the acquisition of a working profession;
on the study of production technology and equipment at drilling enterprises;
to solve production situations;
on the analysis of the quality of drilling and cement mortar;
on the study of well completion technology;
production and technological;
pre-graduate practice.

Career opportunities:

Specialists are in demand in companies engaged in the exploration and production of minerals, in gold mining and oil and gas companies as rig fitters, drilling rig drivers, well drillers. The main responsibilities are the operation and exploration of wells. Often, drillers are part of a geological exploration party. A special feature of this profession is working in shifts.