Explore the Future of Education at Higher College APEC PetroTechnic
Discover a world of opportunities with our cutting-edge programs and expert insights designed to empower students and engage parents.
Innovative Learning for Tomorrow's Leaders
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Take the first step towards a brighter future by becoming a part of our dynamic educational environment.
Insights and Updates from Our Director
Бүгін тәрбие бөлімі қызметкерлері колледж студенттеріне ерекше тренинг өткізді. Елімізде бірнеше жылдан бері жүзеге асып келе жатқан "Самғау" жобасы аясында білімін шыңдаған кураторлар, жасөспірімдерді жаңа заманға дағдыланудың төте жолын көрсетті. Жобаның негізгі...
Әдемі студенттік өмір
{:en} The atmosphere of the student campus is one of the great advantages of High college APEC PetroTechnic. The Student Union, which is managed independently, includes more than ten interest clubs and a rich program of events. Student life at APEC PetroTechnic is not...
Мамандығы бойынша практиканың болуы
{:en} The practice in the specialty profile is aimed at consolidating, expanding, deepening and systematizing the knowledge gained in the study of special disciplines, based on the study of the activities of a particular enterprise, the acquisition of initial...
What Our Community Says
Alexei Ivanov, Student
Maria Petrova, Parent
Nurlan Sadykov, Student
Explore Our Campus Through Photos
Discover College Life in Pictures
Upcoming College Events
Orientation Day
September 15, 2023
Join us for an informative session to kickstart your college journey.
Parents' Meeting
October 5, 2023
Engage with faculty and discuss academic progress.
Cultural Fest
November 12, 2023
Experience diverse cultures through performances and exhibitions.
Career Fair
December 3, 2023
Connect with industry professionals and explore career opportunities.
Connect with Us Online
Get in Touch
4567 Academic Lane, Suite 200, San Francisco, CA 94123
(415) 789-1234